is great for defunking in the woods, but what about at home? You want the woods funk at home, because your house just smells like stale pizza and unpaid credit card bills. Bring 100% pure woods funk into your shower / bath / watering can that you fill from a pond across the street and transmogrify from a sad suburbanite to a slightly happier suburbanite who smells like the quintessence of a pine forest. If you are more of a garden dweller than a forest scuttler, there’s also the scent of rosemary and mint to sate your nostrils.
Alpine provisions has done away with plastic packaging, and that of course is a good thing. Paper and aluminum, all recyclable, and the aluminum bottles are perfect for a second use: fuel storage for your alcohol stove, and if washed out really well, a cheap n light flask, a vase, etc.
Small bottle is a perfect travel size. Big bottle is full commitment. Best move is to combine all of your current soaps into one big bottle marked ‘for Esteemed House Guests’ and keep that under the sink until Uncle Alistar comes over. Then he can go around smelling like a coconut tea tree lavender factory.
The bar of soap is great for prison fights and I suppose, general hand washing. I like to bring a sliver of soap in a small baggie when I go camping, on the off chance I want to freshen up. I never use it, but it’s a bit of insurance in case I ever meet someone I need to impress.
You don’t need shampoo with these soaps, or body wash. Just the one bottle or bar will do everything outside of teeth. Good soaps don’t dry you out, so you don’t need lotions either.